Breaking change 8.0 -> 9.0

  • receive.isHexDisplay(); changed to receive.isHexDisplay;
  • receive.isAutoBreakFrame(); changed to receive.isAutoBreakFrame;
  • this.SourceDataBuffer; Removed Recommended to use send.getBytes();

receive class

Properties and methods related to receiving data.

Property Definition
receive.isFrameStart start of frame flag
receive.isHexDisplay Whether Hex display
receive.isSaveToFile whether to save to file
receive.isPauseReceivingDisplay Whether to suspend receiving
receive.isAutoBreakFrame Whether to automatically break the frame
receive.currentRowIsEmpty Whether the current row of the receive window is empty
Method Definition
receive.get() refer to receive.getString()
receive.getString() currently received string
1. Use the character encoding converted string ()
2. String in Hex format (When hexadecimal display is enabled)
receive.getBytes() Currently received byte array (raw data)
receive.write(string) write a string to the display window
string the string to send
receive.write(string,colorStr) write a string to the display window
string the string to send
colorStr color string. For example "red" "yellow" "#FF00FF00"
receive.clear() Clear the receive window
receive.clearLastReceived() Clear the last received data

send class

Properties and methods related to sending data.

Property Definition
send.isSendFile Whether to send the file
send.isHexSend Whether to send Hex
send.isTimingSend Whether to send regularly
send.isDisplaySendString Whether to display the sent string
Method Definition
send.get() currently sent string
send.getString() currently sent string
send.getBytes() Get the currently sent byte array
send.write(string) send string
send.write(string,isHexStr) Whether to send a string in HEX format
string the string to send
isHexStr Whether the string is in hexadecimal style
For example:
send.write("AB CD 12",true);
send.writeBytes(Array) Send a byte array
Array Uint8Array array, other types will be converted to Uint8Array before being sent.
//Create an array of length 10, initialize and send
buf = new Uint8Array(10);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) 

buf = Array(2, 3, 4,'5');
send.writeToReceice(string) Write a string from the sending script to the receiving window
It is recommended to use receive.write(string)
send.writeToReceice(string,color) Write a string from the sending script to the receiving window
It is recommended to use receive.write(string,colorStr)


The drawing control operation class, including the method of sending data to the drawing control

Method Definition
chart.write(formatStr) Write data to the drawing control
formatStr String conforming to the drawing protocol
For example:
chart.write(name,datas) Write data to the drawing control
name Waveform name
datas Waveform data (supports numeric values, strings, and arrays)
For example:


Print debug information to the Output window

Method Definition
console.log(obj) print to output window
console.dir(obj) format print
console.error(obj) error red
console.warn(obj) warning dark green
console.write(obj,,,color) print object
obj,,, supports multiple parameters
color The last parameter can control the character color
console.time() start the timer
console.timeEnd() End the timer and print the elapsed time in the output window.
Use with console.time() to count the running time of the code


Auxiliary tools

Method Definition
util.isNull(object) Is it null
util.isUndefined(object) Is it undefined
util.isNullOrUndefined(object) is null or undefined
util.timeToString() get time string
util.hexStringToBytes(string) String to byte array
string hexadecimal format string "68 65 6C 6C 6F"
util.bytesToHexString(bytes, isUpper = false) Convert byte array to hexadecimal string
bytes byte array
isUpper Uppercase letters (default lowercase letters)
util.bytesToInteger(buf, index, len, bigEndian = true) Byte array to integer
buf byte array
index start index
len The integer occupies the number of bytes
bigEndian Use big endian byte order
util.bytesTofloat(buf, index, bigEndian = true) Convert IEEE754 float memory array (4 bytes) to float
buf byte array
index start index
bigEndian Use big endian byte order

Type check

util.types.isBoolean(object) Is it a boolean type
util.types.isNumber(object) Is it a number
util.types.isString(object) Is it a string
util.types.isFunction(object) Is it a function
util.types.isInt8Array(object) is an array of 8-bit signed integers
util.types.isUint8Array(object) is an array of 8-bit unsigned integers
util.types.isInt16Array(object) Is it an array of 16-bit signed integers
util.types.isUint16Array(object) Is it an array of 16-bit unsigned integers


File operations

Method Description
file.exists(path) Determine if the specified file exists
path File path
file.readText(path) Read all the text in the file into a string
path File path
file.writeText(path, string) Write a string to a file (UTF-8 encoding)
path File path
string Text string
file.appendText(path,str) Append a string to the end of a text (UTF-8 encoding)
path File path
string Text string
file.readBytes(path) Read the contents of a file into a byte array
path File path
file.writeBytes(path, bytes) Write byte array to file
path File path
bytes Byte array
file.appendBytes(path, bytes) Add character byte array to the end of text
path File path
bytes Byte array
file.getTempPath(path, bytes) Return the path of the current user's temporary folder
file.delete(path) Delete specified file
path File path


Method Definition
alert(title, message) Show alert box
title alert box title
message alert box message
delay(ms) Async delay (use with caution)
ms millisecond
sleep(ms) Suspend a thread (use with caution)
ms millisecond